My Mission Statement

There are many ways Surrogate Partners practice Surrogate Partner Therapy (SPT). For myself:

• I see Surrogate Partner Therapy as a modality most effective when the client is well established with a mental health professional and continues after our work is completed for as long as needed to process the completion of our work together.  

• I value the attachment nurtured between the Surrogate Partner (SP) and the client as part of the healing modality.  This is why I feel a mental health professional is essential in the triadic model. The clinician positioned outside of the relationship allows for reframing and generalization of feelings that occur within the client-Surrogate Partner relationship.  This objective view is, at times, impossible for me, as the surrogate, to communicate and is essential for client growth.  

• I approach the work as both a trained practitioner and as a vulnerable human being who has authentic feelings and responses when relating to another.  That authentic connection is also part of the healing modality.  

• I’m committed to engaging with my clients from a place of boundaried compassion.  

• I will never have a relationship with any client outside of our professional relationship.

• I seek regular consultations within my professional community in an effort to continue to elevate my work while ensuring client confidentiality.

• Outside of this therapeutic and triadic model, I offer other modalities of work with clients, such as cuddling and intimacy coaching, in a much more limited container.  That work is not Surrogate Partner Therapy, has different goals than Surrogate Partner Therapy, and is not a substitute for Surrogate Partner Therapy.  These other options are an offering of different modalities for individuals with different needs.  It is vital to me that these other modalities/offerings not be confused with Surrogate Partner Therapy.